6 min read

6 keys to be a successful wholesaler in the digital era

By Tekiio Editorial Board on Mar 26, 2024 6:30:00 AM

The wholesale industry is at a critical juncture. Changes in the business landscape, driven by trends such as digital transformation, nearshoring, and evolving consumer expectations, demand a strategy to ensure profitability and success in the future. If you run a wholesale business, how can you thrive in the digital age? In this blog, we provide six tips that will make you a successful wholesaler.

Topics: Manufactura comercio electronico Innovación Tecnologica Procesos B2B Distribución
4 min read

NetSuite modules list, the must-have for your company

By Tekiio Editorial Board on Mar 13, 2024 5:30:00 AM

As an entrepreneur, you understand that efficiency and optimization are key to success. Outstanding companies leverage technology to streamline processes, improve decision-making, and gain greater visibility into their operations.

As one of the market's leaders, NetSuite offers a complete Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems for tracking all business processes. But, how is it made up? We would like to invite you to read on to understand the NetSuite modules that benefit businesses like yours.

Topics: NetSuite ERP Manufactura Finanzas SaaS B2B Oracle NetSuite Cloud ERP